Saturday 18 January 2014

LCA TV: More fun at 2014

LCA2014 was a whole lot of fun, for so many reasons!  One thing I love is talking with people from all over the Free and Open Source community from around the world - meeting new people doing exciting things, as well as catching up with those who have become dear friends from years of shared experiences.

This year James Bromberger had a wonderful idea: LCA TV.  How about we interview people on the couch and broadcast these casual chats live alongside the conference video streams?  A kind of free software equivalent of David Letterman or Steve Vizard.  This fantastic new thing allowed me to combine a few of my favourite things together, and allow others to get to know some of the conference attendees in a more casual setting.

So, how did it go?  It went off like a bang, and despite having a few technical challenges, I think this 'experiment' was a raving success, and hopefully the start of yet another LCA tradition!

The result of these videos are now available over on youtube: and will soon also appear on the LCA mirror.

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